Take Your Love Life to the Next Level

Spice Up Your Love Life During My Next Webinar!

Join this FREE romantic class on the different uses of essential oils! Get recipes on making your DIY's like 'Passion Spray' and 'Wild About You Essential Oil Chocolates' to dip in strawberries and learn how to do Aroma Touch on each others hands. There are more ideas that will be shared.

Door prize giveaway of a PASSION rollerball!

This is a fun class that is also done tastefully and classy!

Why Are Essential Oils So Effective?

One of the reasons essential oils are so effective is that their natural chemical composition works quickly on the circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive systems when applied to the skin. Certain oils work by raising the body temperature through their warm and rich aromas.

Simply smelling essential oils can have a powerful impact on our mood, thoughts, and emotions. Once inhaled, the odor molecules register a response in the limbic portion of the brain. This area of the brain is responsible for sexual behavior and memory and can influence the body’s sexual response!

This is just the tip of the iceberg and I promise that during our time together, you will learn, have fun, and become eager to spice up your love life!

Hosted by:

Sheila Tucker

Bring Your Partner … PLEASE!

I really encourage you to bring your partner to this experience so that both of you can become aware of specific ways to dramatically improve your intimacy together.

Inspiring love and passion doesn't have to be an insurmountable challenge or stress-inducing task, but can be a satisfying and delightful ritual that is an expression of love and intimacy in itself.

I am excited for you…
I am eager for you…
I am ready for you…

Let’s Spice Up Your Love Life!